Adventures required.

Autumn sunlight Beech wood

Once again our camping season is over, we have done what is necessary to winter the Bongo and thoughts turn towards autumn walks, dark evenings and an excuse to buy a new walking jacket….However, whatever my intentions I always find that we spend a lot less time outdoors in the winter, less time getting away from the busyness of everyday life, less time just being a family. So this year I have a plan to increase the number of adventures in our lives even in winter!

I love to walk and now the girls are a bit older we have managed some good little adventures – last spring we walked up Snowdon. It was cloudy, wet and cold at the top but it felt like a real achievement and wet my appetite for more, more, more!

So now I am on the look out for family adventures, blogs like The Family Adventure Project and Alastair Humphrey‘s provide great inspiration.  I’m thinking small, big and medium sized adventures. Last night we walked home from school a very long way round just to get a little bit more time outdoors, looking at and appreciating nature. So a small adventure to start us off. But what will be next?

I am considering a guided canoe tour of Bristol Harbour, rock climbing, a night time walk….what else? Please share your family’s favourite adventures whatever size they are!

3 thoughts on “Adventures required.

  1. Fiona Smith says:

    Hi, I have been thinking along the same lines. In fact yesterday in order to get outdoors, do a bit of exercise and tie it in with other family commitments, my eldest son and I walked back home to the top of Lansdown from the rugby Rec in Bath. It was amazing what discoveries can be made walking instead of driving. We meandered though Hedgemead Park, a park I drive past every day on the school run but never walked though, we then took the small roads up through Lansdown and discovered St Stephen’s Millennium Green and allotments enjoying the atmosphere of an autumnal misty morning, then on up to Charlcombe Lane and finally up through the fields to Granville Road back home for a hot chocolate! All in all a special hour and a half spent with my son.

    • Hazel says:

      Hi Fiona, I’ve just clicked who you are! Thanks for following the blog. I love Hedgemead park, so many nooks and crannies and did you know it was created after a huge landslide on landsdown that wiped out lots of houses and is the why Camden Crescent is not symmetrical? It is great how we can experience a familiar place so differently by taking a different route or getting out of the car.

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